Going Beyond 3D Visualization – Webinar

Multidimensional Approaches to Cultural Heritage Studies.

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Link to the webinar: https://uio.zoom.us/j/67909582984


The webinar will be open from 08:45 CET (pdf)

09:00 Ingrid Louise Flatval (MCH)

Chair: Espen Uleberg
09:10 Nicolo Dell'Unto (MCH) and Espen Uleberg (MCH) 
09:30 Alexis Pantos (MCH) 
Reflections on photographic documentation in archaeology
09:50 Paola Derudas (LU) and Federico Nurra (INHA) 
AIR: Managing 3D archaeological interactive reports
10:10 Letizia Bonelli (MCH) and Espen Uleberg (MCH) 
3D at Museum of Cultural History
10:30 Erik Kjellman (UMAK) 
Digitizing at the Arctic museum
10:50 Discussion

Chair: Susan Braovac
11:10 Håkan Thorén (Vasa) 
Documentation and maintenance of a 17th century ship   
11:30 Bjarte Aarseth (MCH) 
From Micro to Macro
11:50 Marco Callieri (ISTI)
The fountain of Neptune: a 3D-centric restoration system
12:10 Giacomo Landeschi (LU) 
Re-viewing the past: examining integrated computational methods to explore visuality and its archaeological meaning
12:30 Discussion

12:50 Lunch

Chair: Mieko Matsumoto
13:30 Justin Kimball (MCH) and Christian Rødsrud (MCH) 
Sieving through voxels: CT-scanning for the survey and reconstruction of the Gjellestad ship
13:50 Jani Causevic (NIKU) 
3D documentation of the Medieval town Oslo - one method many solutions
14:10 Magne Samdal (MCH) 
The possibilities within large scale 3D-models for future research
14:30 Erich Nau (NIKU) 
The Svea documentation project. Large scale 3D documentation of an arctic mining settlement
14:50 Magnus Tangen (MCH)
First steps towards 3D Rock Art documentation in the BERG-project – Solving an assignment for Riksantikvaren, The Directorate for Cultural Heritage –
15:10 Discussion

15:30 General discussion and concluding remarks


Published May 11, 2021 9:12 AM - Last modified May 11, 2022 1:48 PM