Being a postdoc at the Museum of Cultural History

The overall goal for appointment to postdoctoral positions is that postdocs should have a real opportunity to qualify for top scientific positions. These internal guidelines are based on standards for career support, adopted by the University Board.

The Museum of Cultural History puts specific emphasis on supporting our Early Career Researchers in the following areas:

  • Project development and funding opportunities
  • Collaboration and integration in research groups/projects
  • General/transferrable skills development
  • Internationalisation

Our programming for the Early Stage Researcher seminars is specifically directed to the needs of our postdocs. Our rationale here is what is of particular interest and relevance for this group will also be of benefit to our PhD's.

Career development plan

All ESR's and thus postdocs have a career development plan. Within two months of appointment, your line manager (seksjonsleder) should invite you to a meeting where you will start developing your career development plan. The purose of this plan is to reflect on which strategic choices you might make to build skills and quailfy for future positions. The career development plan will be revised and discussed every year in the "one-to-one work dialogue" (in Norwegian known as "medarbeidersamtale").

Postdoc meetings

The museum aims to bring together its group of postdocs regularly. These meetings will be an arena for discussing and sharing experiences related to career development, and giving input to the programming of the ESR seminars at the MCH. The meetings may also be used for more specific sharing and competence development measures. 

Generic/transferrable skills

Needs related to generic skills, which are identified through career development plans, career development talks and postdoctoral meetings, can be met through offers centrally at the University of Oslo (UiO), courses/activities developed in collaboration with other units, or locally at TF. CV development and competence building with a view to being able to apply for and obtain external research funding should be a particular focus area. 

The full presentation of the Museum of Cultural History's adaption and adaptation of the UiO standards for career support for early career researchers are available at the university's internal webpages (log in to access, only available in Norwegian).

Published Aug. 22, 2023 10:44 AM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2023 4:30 PM