Paint and Piety: Collected Essays on Medieval Painting and Polychrome Sculpture

Noëlle L.W. Streeton, Kaja Kollandsrud (eds)

These collected essays on medieval painting and polychrome sculpture draw on a spectrum of vantage points and methodologies for studying the phenomena of painting over c.450 years. The papers are based on discussions held in Oslo in 2010 on topics related to medieval objects in Scandinavian collections.

The aim of these discussions was to generate a multifaceted overview of current scholarship devoted to medieval paint and painting, and its changing faces and meanings. The sum of the individual contributions is a panorama of the sort that has come to characterise the interactions and rich discourse between conservators, conservation scientists and historians. The resulting knowledge base has become a theoretical and practical underpinning for a project known as ‘After the Black Death: Painting and Polychrome Sculpture in Norway, 1350–1550’ , which is based in Conservation Studies at the University of Oslo.

ISBN: 9781909492103
Binding: Hardback
Dimensions: 246 x 175mm
Pages: 216


Publisert 5. mars 2015 10:51 - Sist endret 10. okt. 2018 14:02