SENKU Seminar med Elizabeth Graham: Killing people for gods…… the pastime of the Ancients?

Professor of Mesoamerican Archaeology at UCL Elisabeth Graham will give a lecture titled Killing people for gods…… the pastime of the Ancients?

The lecture builds on her extensive expertise in decolonising and problematizing assumptions of human sacrifice. 

Elizabeth Graham's extensive expertise in Mesoamerican archaeology and her studies questioning the embedded meanings and assumptions found in sacrifice studies here introduces a topic fraught with colonial heritage. 

We invite anyone interested in deconolising archaeological and anthropological knowledge production to attend this seminar, and invite open discussion and questions from the audience after the seminar. 


Marianne Moen
Publisert 18. feb. 2022 09:58 - Sist endra 18. feb. 2022 09:58