Plant dyestuffs in medieval and early modern times

Welcome to a talk about written sources on plant dyestuffs in medieval and early modern times, with a focus on Scandinavian sources with Dr. Doris Oltrogge, Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Doris Oltrogge has worked for the Cologne Institute of Conservation Science with focus on art-technological investigations on medieval illuminations since 1996. Her work includes the creation of a data-base on hand-written recipes from medieval through early modern times.

She authored numerous publications, amongst them editions treatises on art technology. And is currently serving as coordinator of ICOM-CC’s working group Art Technological Source Research.

The lecture is open for everybody interested.


Hartmut Kutzke
Published June 21, 2023 1:06 PM - Last modified July 21, 2023 11:07 AM