Workshop and seminar: Decolonising Human Sacrifice

Narratives of human sacrifice are fraught with colonial heritage in multiple ways, from the ways in which accusations of human sacrifice and cannibalism was used as a legitimating tool by colonialist powers to the Eurocentric frameworks of knowledge production which upholds traditional assumed meanings of acts interpreted as sacrifice. The workshop seeks to approach this complex topic from varied viewpoints and materials, to create an environment for open discussion about how we can decolonise the study of multifaceted forms of sanctioned violence and expressions thereof. We will discuss the influence of political and strategic desires to Other those to whom such practices were ascribed, and the residual effects of colonialist frameworks on current knowledge, along with other angles and questions.

St.Olavsgate 29, seminar room

Zoom link: pwd=YzlYNDhQU3dONHBsQlh0a2d4VEhVZz09


Thursday 10th March

14:15-16:00     Dr Elizabeth Graham, UCL,
Killing people for gods…… the pastime of the Ancients?

Friday 11th March
- 09:00               Marianne Moen and the Human Sacrifice and Value project

                        Welcome and coffee

09:30               Melanie Giles
Decolonising Decapitation: rethinking the bog ‘head’ of Worsley Man, from Astley Moss
10:00               Casper Jacobsen
Aztec True Crime? Missionary Manuscripts and the Making of a Human Sacrificer
10:30               Manuel May Castillo
Deconstructing a proof of human sacrifice in the Maya region

11:00               Coffee break and discussion

11:15                 Matthew Walsh
Coming to terms with ‘human sacrifice.’ Context matters.
11:45                 Marianne Moen
Killing the weak? The role of gender in narratives of sacrifice

12:15               Lunch and break

14:15               Melanie Giles
Grave Goods – objects and death in later prehistoric Britain. Friday seminar at Blindernveien 11,

Published Feb. 20, 2022 5:30 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2022 5:30 PM