The 19th Viking Congress: Standardization in the Viking Age – Perceptions of power, value and monetary formats

The intended 19th Viking Congress 2021 is now moved to next year July 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will take place at the University of Liverpool following a Study Tour in Lancaster.

Postdoctoral Fellow Marianne Moen and Prof. Svein H. Gullbekk will both be joining with their contributions.

About the Viking Congress

The Viking Congress is an international, interdisciplinary, academic conference on the Viking Age, which began in 1950, and meets every four years. The Congress traditionally does not have parallel sessions, and involves a single programme of spoken delegate papers, coupled with field and museum group visits to notable sites of Viking-Age interest.

2021 will be the first time that Wales leads a Viking Congress, and the first time it has taken place in either Wales or north-west England. Formerly attended by national invitation only, the Viking Congress has more recently moved to an open call for paper proposals, which are peer-reviewed for acceptance by an international academic panel convened by the organising country or countries. Numbers are necessarily restricted by the scope and intensity of activities and guided field visits during the Congress. However, there will be additional public open events and keynote lectures during the programme.

The main Congress (6 days) is followed by an optional linked study tour (3 days); these will be booked separately. Numbers are also restricted on the study tour for practical reasons, although it may be possible to attend the tour even if not giving a paper at the Congress itself.

Published Nov. 16, 2021 3:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2023 12:47 PM