Religious practice in Rome-seminar

In the Christian traditions Religious practice and the use of money can be traced back to the first century when the first generations of Christians made pecuniary offerings at the grave of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and in the catacombs in Rome.

Seminar: Professorboligen, UiO, 7 April 13:15-15:00


Image may contain: Holy places, Architecture, Dome, Arch.

Dome of St Peter's 

Dr. Elenora Giampiccolo, The coins found in the Roman Catacombs: meaning and problems

Professor Giancarlo Alteri, The coins left by pilgrims around S. Peter and S. Paul's tombs: the faith that comes from far


Dr. Elenora Giampiccolo

Professorboligen, Thursday 7 April 13:15

Tags: economy of salvation By Svein
Published Apr. 5, 2016 10:18 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2021 8:27 AM