Project assistent Marie Amundsen

Marie Amundsen is our new project assistant. She will work one day a week for the project in 2015. Her main responsibilities will be coordinator for workshops and meetings, co-editor for the blog, and a general research assistant involved with a range of different tasks.

Marie Amundsen i Gascogne.

Marie finished her MA in archaeology at the University of Oslo in 2013. Her primary research field was the early iron age of western Norway, with special foci on settlements in mountain areas. Specificly she worked with a settlement dating from the roman period and migration period from the Nyset-Steggje excavations in Vikafjellene in western Norway. Her latest publication: “Når stedsbånd veves og løses opp. En sosial kronologi for bosetningen av Kalvebeitet i indre Sogn i yngre romertid og folkevandringstid” in collaboration with Dr. Per Ditlef Fredriksen in the Norwegian journal Viking. In recent years she has experience from several archaeological excavations, e.g. the Gokstad Revisited project. She held the position as executive secretary for this years Viking Age conference in Oslo: "Skandinavia: ett, tre eller mange?" ("Scandinavia: one, three or many?"). She has been appointed as co-editor for the forthcoming edited collection based on the conference papers. The conference was organized as a collaboration between the Museum of Cultural History and the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.


Contact details:

Marie Amundsen


Telephone :            +47 922 86 127


Marie will be available for the project every Monday, she can be contacted by email, but will answer requests one day a week, on Mondays. 

Tags: economy of salvation By Svein
Published Dec. 21, 2014 11:31 AM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2021 8:25 AM