Order of the Universe

From the conference presentation: This symposium is the first of its kind to take place outside the UK, and it is a special delight to be heading to Rome, to the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, in the care of Professor Cecilia Panti, and to be based while in Rome at the University of Notre Dame, Rome Global Gateway as part of the Durham-Notre Dame partnership.  Grosseteste’s treatise De sphaeraOn the Sphere,  in which he explores the physical underpinnings of astronomy, receives its first collaborative reading. The work has an existing modern edition made by Professor Panti; Dr Sigbjørn Sønnesyn will be making the first translation into English. The symposium will also feature reading of the Computus Correctorius, Grosseteste’s signal contribution to the medieval science of time, and, in particular, the church calendar. For the English translation, and editorial comments, we are extremely glad to be welcoming Dr Philipp Nothaft, All Soul’s College, University of Oxford, to the Ordered Universe. The symposium includes a half-day conference at Tor Vergata, and a public lecture, jointly and bi-lingully delivered by Professor Tom McLeish and Professor Panti at the Notre Dame Gateway. Organisational matters are the province of Dr Rachael Matthews, Ordered Universe Administrative Assistant, Professor Panti and Dr Giles Gasper (Durham).

Venue: University of Rome, Tor Vergata and University of Notre Dame, Rome Global Gateway, Italy.

Time: 5-8 April 2016

For program: http://ordered-universe.com/forthcoming-research-symposia/


By Svein
Published Apr. 5, 2016 11:31 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2021 8:31 AM