Posts - Page 2

Published Sep. 13, 2015 12:46 PM

At the upcoming International Numismatic Congress in Taormina, Sicily 21-25 September there are several lectures that are offsprings of the Religion and Money-project outside the Round-table session 'Divina Moneta: Coin Finds in Religious Contexts': 

Published Sep. 3, 2015 11:10 PM

Anna Ölund, arkeolog vid Upplandsmuseet, talar över ämnet: Under kyrkgolven- vad finns där? onsdag 23 september kl. 18.15 i Upplandsmuseets hörsal. 80:e seminarium Early North European Seminar

Published Aug. 26, 2015 4:39 PM

The Exhibition that is part of the project's public outreach - Trust and Distrust - will be hosted by Museum of Cultural Museum in Oslo. The opening of the Exhibition is scheduled to spring 2017.

Project leader: Peter Bjerregaard Designer: Eilie Lindøe

Published Aug. 25, 2015 5:59 PM

Jens Christian Moesgaard foreleser over myntfunnene og geofysiske undersøkelser av ødekirkeplassene Ulv og Uldrup på Jylland. Forelesningen finner sted i kirkehuset i Hundslund torsdag den 3. september kl. 14.30-16.30.


Published July 9, 2015 11:01 AM

The organizers in Taormina have planned to put the Round Table 'Divina Moneta' in the final programme of the XV International Numismatic Congress on Tuesday 22nd September in the morning from 9.00 to 13.30.


Published June 23, 2015 5:43 PM

Svenska kyrkan har tagit fram ett tekniskt beskrivningslexikon över kyrkliga föremål. Lexikonets användningsområde är bland annat som hjälpmedel vid inventerings- och dokumentationsarbete i kyrkor. Innehållet baseras på Riksantikvarieämbetets gamla föremålsindexering och omfattar samtliga begrepp från deras databaser, men även ytterligare begrepp.

Published June 9, 2015 12:48 AM

Olav Tveito kommer med en artikkel om 'Mynter i messen. Kirkefunnene som kilde til offerpraksis i middelalder og etter-reformatorisk tid' i Historisk Tidsskrift 3/2015.

Artikkelen drøfter kirkelig offerpraksis i norsk og skandinavisk kontekst, fra kristningstiden til etter-reformatorisk tid. Kirkefunnene, myntfunn under kirker, danner utgangspunkt for analysen, kombinert med skriftlig materiale. 

Published June 9, 2015 12:42 AM

The last seminar in strand I: Coin finds in Churches: a survey of the Central European finds by Benedikt Zäch; Purgatorium and money by Helen Foxhall-Forbes; Money in monastic writings by Giles Gasper; Archaeology meets salvation by Svein H Gullbekk and an etnographical movie from offerings in a Tonganesian church by Arne Perminow.

Published May 10, 2015 4:20 PM

The theme of the conference are challenges and good practices of digitization concerning objects’ physical dimensions and environmental conditions in which they are digitally documented. 

Steinar is presenting the GIS-part of the project.


Published Apr. 11, 2015 11:34 PM

Alf Tore publiserte en stor innsiktartikkel i Bergens Tidende påskeaften der han redegjør for Olav Haraldssons (Olav den Hellige) hjemkomst til Norge og øya Selja i 1015. Med seg hadde han fire engelske biskoper og der begynte kristningsarbeid.

Published Apr. 11, 2015 11:20 PM

Steinar presented the project with a poster at The 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference – Siena 2015: “KEEP THE REVOLUTION GOING”.

The poster emphasized the mapping of finds in churches and the use of GIS-technology.

Published Apr. 9, 2015 9:58 PM

Bloggside har passert 1000 unike besøkende i løpet av påskehøytiden. Målingene begynte i september forrige år. November var den travleste måneden så langt. Uansett, det er vel betydelig flere enn det som vanligvis leser våre skriverier i tradisjonelle numismatiske, arkeologiske og historiske kanaler.

Vel blåst!


Published Mar. 26, 2015 9:46 PM

Giles reports from life in Strand II; this time on Gerald of Wales who combines the subjects of money-offerings and telling jokes.

Published Mar. 16, 2015 10:20 AM

Giles reports from life in Strand II; this week from a stay in the Alpine regions of Europe, more precise in the surroundings of Salzburg, Austria where he has been in contact with saints lives and the burden of sins (in the 11th and 12th century).

Published Mar. 10, 2015 9:22 PM

Giles reports from life in Strand II; on indexes and a twelfth century Irish bowman and his money-offerings.

Published Mar. 10, 2015 8:07 PM

Akkurat nå pågår en omfattande renovering av Skuttunge kyrka, som ligger ca 2 mil nord for Uppsala. Gulvet i skipet og sakristiet skal skiftes ut som følge av soppangrep. Arkeologer fra Upplandsmuseet gjennomfører utgravningene. I dag kunne prosjektleder Anna Ölund fortelle at gulvene var fjernet. 

Interesserte kan følge utgravningene på ARKEOLOGIBLOGGEN. 


Published Mar. 2, 2015 9:29 AM

Etter to år ved Arkeologisk seksjon og Myntkabinettet i Oslo, og sist to måneder full tid på vårt prosjekt har Terje vendt tilbake til Vitenskapsmuseet og magasinforvalterstilling.

Published Feb. 21, 2015 7:31 PM

In most societies the disposal of the corpse is accompanied by some form of celebration or ritual which may range from a simple act of deportment in solitude to the engagement of large masses of people in laborious and creative festivities. In a funerary context the term ritual may be taken to represent a process that incorporates all the actions performed and thoughts expressed in connection with a dying and dead person, from the preparatory pre-death stages to the final deposition of the corpse and the post-mortem stages of grief and commemoration.

Published Feb. 20, 2015 11:01 PM

Jens Christian Moesgaard publiserer omfattende katalog over myntfunn i Nordmandie i Nord-Frankrike: 'Les trésors monétaires médiévaux découverts en Haute-Normandie (754-1514)'. Utgitt i serien MONETA nr. 183, 308 pages ISBN 978-94-91384-51-6.

Published Feb. 20, 2015 10:33 PM

This project aimed to complement and improving the documentation of the medieval church ruins on St. Olofsholm, Hellvi parish, Gotland, by adding a third dimension. The ruins of two churches were excavated and documented during 2013 and 2014, but the documentation was conducted from a 2D perspective. Using Image-Based Modelling techniques, based on a series of some 800 pictures taken after the excavation, it was possible to generate a model of the site and document it in 3D.