
Published Apr. 25, 2017 10:40 PM

The detailed program for the upcoming international conference in Winterthur, Switzerland is ready. 

This international conference bring together specialists from all over Europe and the US with contributions in English, French and German.  

Key-note speakers: Aden Kumler (Chicago), Matthias Untermann (Heidelberg) and Henrik Klackenberg (Stockholm).



Published Apr. 25, 2017 10:20 PM

Preparing for the international workshop in Winterthur in Switzerland 22-23 June the speakers from Scandinavia come together for a joint workshop on the 7 June.

Venue at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo.

Published Feb. 10, 2017 12:47 AM

Prosjektet Religion and Money: Economy of Salvation in the Middle Ages finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd er inne i avslutningsfasen. Flere bokutgivelser står for døren, Nanni og Gittes bok Divina Moneta er under utgivelse hos Routledge. Anette og Sveins bok om norske myntfunn 1050-1319 er i ferd med å leveres til Dreyer forlag. Arbeidet med boken The use of money in religious and devotional contexts som redigeres av Svein, Christoph, Håkon og Steinar begynner å nærme seg slutten. 

Published Dec. 2, 2016 1:42 PM

Project member granted Ph.D.-post Eeva Jonsson is granted a position as doctorate fellow at Åbo University writing a dissertation on the subject "Fluctuations in the Import of Coins from the German Empire c. 950‒1145".


Published Dec. 2, 2016 8:41 AM

A film focused around a public workshop for the Being Human National Festival of Humanities: 'Your Money or Your Life' shot at the Prior's Hall, Durham Cathedral November 2015. The workshop explored themes connected to salvation, monetary use, archaeological finds, stave churches and anthropological comparison to contemporary Tongan society.

See the video: Workshop Being Human Durham University

Published Nov. 26, 2016 11:27 AM

In cooperation with Swiss colleagues we invite to a European conference on coins and coin finds in churches. The purpose is to merge Scandinavian research with research in the Continental tradition, especially for the Alpine Region where the finds from church excavations are en par with the Scandinavian.

Published Oct. 9, 2016 8:26 PM

Medieval manuscript fragments are some of Norway’s most significant testimonies to medieval book history. Through analysis of a selection  of the thousands of manuscript fragments kept in public collections. A project in Bergen is exploring the first centuries of book and scribal culture in Norway.

Alf Tore has made an extraordinary contribution to the project explaining liturgical documents through explanations and song.

Watch the video: A Book is Used.

Published Oct. 8, 2016 10:57 AM

Treasure in Heaven, Treasures on Earth: the secular world and material consumption in Western European Monasticism, c. 1050-c. 1250.

This three-day interdisciplinary conference took place at Hatfield College, Durham University, on Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd September 2016. Inspired by work produced as part of the ‘Religion and Money: the Economy of Salvation in the Middle Ages’ project and kindly funded by the Cultural Historical Museum, University of Oslo, the conference explored monastic economies in the central medieval period in Western Europe. It was organised by Rosalind Green and Stephanie Britton, both third-year PhD candidates at Durham in the Department of History. 

Published June 13, 2016 9:00 PM

Spiritual and material Economies 1000-1350: Time, Devotion and Reform The international conference “Spiritual and material Economies 1000-1350: Time, Devotion and Reform”, organised by Giles took place at Durham 8-10 June as part of strand II in the project that seeks to explore aspects of a broader question: What money meant to the inhabitants of north-western Europe in the 11th to 13th century.

Published June 2, 2016 3:44 PM

'Spiritual and Material Economies 1000-1350: Time, Devotion and Reform will bring together experts across a range of different disciplines (history, theology, liturgy, art history and numismatics), with a focus on northern and western Christendom of the High Middle Ages. 

Conference in Durham 8-10 June 2016: Spiritual and Material Economies 1000-1350: Time, Devotion and Reform.


Published May 15, 2016 3:57 PM

A workshop at Museum of Cultural History in Oslo will prepare an international conference in Switzerland in June 2017: Coin finds in churches - European perspective. The first day of the workshop is devoted to an open seminar.

Published May 15, 2016 3:29 PM

Nordiska mynt och numismatiska framtider - Halvdagsseminarium 18 maj 2016 kl. 13-17. Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur.  Seminar arrangert av Nanouschka Myrberg Burström der flere prosjektmedlemmer holder innlegg.



Published Apr. 5, 2016 11:15 PM

I en ny bok om Helgenkongen St Olav i kunsten kan man lese om olavsikonografien på mynt i sen vikingtid og middelalder. Boken tar utgangspunkt i en konferanse om olavsikonografi i Erkebispegården i Trondheim i 2012. Boken er redigert av Øystein Ekroll og har bidrag fra blant annet Anne Lidén, Margrethe Stang, Caroline Serck-Hansen og på myntsiden Svein H Gullbekk. 

Published Apr. 5, 2016 10:18 PM

In the Christian traditions Religious practice and the use of money can be traced back to the first century when the first generations of Christians made pecuniary offerings at the grave of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and in the catacombs in Rome.

Seminar: Professorboligen, UiO, 7 April 13:15-15:00


Published Feb. 10, 2016 4:14 PM

Treasure in Heaven, Treasure on Earth: The Secular World and Material Consumptionin Western European Monasticism c.1050-c.1250.

Call for papers: 1st June 2016

Conference:  Sep 21, 2016 - Sep 23, 2016, Hatfield College, Durham University

Published Jan. 24, 2016 11:53 AM

Avisen Dagen i Norge har bevilget førstesiden og to siders oppslag til prosjektet. Overskriftene som brukes er 'Gravde frem ukjent kirkehistorie' (forsiden), 'Kristningen satte fart på pengesystemet' og 'Enkens skjerv ble modell for kvinnenes pengegaver'. En bredt anlagt og god fremstilling av prosjektet for et generelt publikum skrevet av journalist Tor Weibye.

Published Jan. 12, 2016 10:59 PM

Religion and Money: Economy of Salvation in the Middle Ages won a grant with the Norwegian Research Council in 2013. Since then quite a few people have been involved. Members of the core-group has met regularly at workshops, conferences, congresses and so forth. A few photographs provide telling insight into some of the activities we have been involved with.

Published Jan. 12, 2016 8:34 PM

Dr Sam Moorhead will visit the Religion and Money Research Group-Seminar, Museum of Cultural History in Oslo and talk about 'Metal detecting - how we save our archaeological heritage'. And he has promised to pay special attention to finds from religious contexts. 

17 Marz 14:00

Published Dec. 21, 2015 2:41 PM

Round table session held at the XV International Numismatic Congress, Sicily, 22 September 2015. Coin finds in religious contexts open a significant number of questions concerning the conception and use of coins and money, in different geographical and temporal settings. Votive offerings, ritual minting and donations are but a few examples of how coins were, and still are, used as material mediators between humans and gods. In the Divina Moneta Round Table, the use of coins and money for religious purposes was discussed out from an understanding of coins’ particular material aspects (such as metal, size or iconography) in combination with their connotations in light of different socio-cultural phenomena (such as abundance, kingship or protection).

Published Dec. 17, 2015 1:39 PM

A fantastic number of events took place over eleven days from all corners of the country, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England. The richness of the activities for the public showcases the diversity, range and challenge of humanities research, and its essential importance in contemporary society. The Religion and Money: Economies of Salvation project took part in these festivities, with two events at Durham Cathedral. 

Published Dec. 17, 2015 10:56 AM

Prosjektet Religion and Money: Economy of salvation in the Middle Ages finansieres gjennom Forskningsrådet. I den forbindelse er prosjektet en del av Prosjektbanken, "et pilotprosjekt som viser statistikk og informasjon om forskningsprosjekter finansiert av Forskningsrådet". For å lese mer om prosjektet i Prosjektbanken, se her

Published Nov. 26, 2015 10:04 AM

Eeva Jonsson, forsker og deltaker i prosjektet Religion and Money: Economy of salvation in the Middle Ages, holdt torsdag 19.11.15 foredraget "Från prästens guld till bondens koppar. Medeltida och efter-reformatoriska myntoffer i Västerås domkyrka och i Jomala kyrka, Åland” for Numismatiske klubben i Uppsala, som del av deres høstprogram.