Publications related to the SINFISH network

Mjærum, Axel , Andreas J. Kirchhefer, Ellen K. Friis, Finn Audun Grøndahl, and Björn  Gunnarson In press: Middelalderfiske, fellefangst og fraflytting. En dendrokronologisk undersøkelse av et 1300-talls stasjonært fiskeanlegg i Nord-Mesna, Sørøst-Norge. Fornvännen 2024(1).

Mansrud, Anja 2023: Fishy Relations? Human–Fish Engagement in the Norwegian Late Mesolithic (6300–3900 BCE). In Reimagining Human-Animal Relations in the Circumpolar North, edited by Peter Whitridge, and Erica Hill, pp. 127–146. Routledge, London.

Mansrud, Anja, Ellen Mette Nielsen, Axel Mjærum and Elling U. Wammer 2022: Encircling the craft traditions of freshwater fishing: an archaeological and experimental study of wheel-shaped net sinkers in the Scandinavian interior (AD 800–1300). Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXIX:76–95.

Mansrud, Anja, and Morten Kutschera, 2020: Roe deer as raw material for Middle Mesolithic fishhooks? An experimental approach to the manufacture of small bone fishhooks. Vol. 3.

Mjærum, Axel, and Anja Mansrud, 2020: Resource management in Late Mesolithic Eastern Norway? Fishing in the coastal, interior and mountain areas and its socio-economic implications. In The Coastal Landscapes of the Mesolithic, edited by Almut Schülke, pp. 264–299. Routledge, Abingdon.

Wammer, Elling Utvik, Anja Mansrud, Pål Nymoen, and Frode Kvalø, 2019: Mistet på sjøen? En nyoppdaget fiskekrok fra steinalderen i Søgne, Vest-Agder. Primitive tider 21:25–43.

Mansrud, Anja, and Per Persson, 2018: Waterworld: Enviroment, animal exploitation and fishhook technology in the north eastern Skagerrak area during the Ealy and Midddle Mesolithic (9500–6300 BC). In Ecology of early settlement in Northwestern Europe. Conditions for subsistence and survival, Vol 1, edited by Per Persson, Felix Riede, Birgitte Skar, Heidi M. Breivik, and Leif Jonsson, pp. 129–166. Norwegian pioneer-network. 3 vols. Equinox Publishing, Sheffield.

Mansrud, Anja, 2017a: Erverv som kosmologi? En relasjonell tilnærming til dyrebein, boplassmønstre og teknologi i mellommesolittiske kystsamfunn i det nordøstlige Skagerak (8300–6300 f.Kr.). Phd., Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Mansrud, Anja, 2017b   Untangling social, ritual and cosmological aspects of fishhook manufacture in the Middle Mesolithic NE Skagerrak. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 46:1–16.

Mjærum, Axel, and Elling Utvik Wammer (editors), 2016: Fjellfiske i fortiden. Årtusener med svømmende rikdom. Portal forlag, Kristiansand.



Published Feb. 26, 2021 8:12 AM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 11:26 AM