About the InART Conference

InART focuses on creating a platform of knowledge sharing between different fields of science and technologies applied to the characterization, conservation and preservation of global cultural heritage.

Welcome to Oslo, Norway's capital, where The Museum of Cultural History is organizing the next InART conference in 2024.

InART2024 invites participants from diverse fields within humanities and natural sciences to join and create an interdisciplinary discussion – a vital ingredient for innovation – about cultural heritage preservation in the academic fields of archaeological objects, artworks, built heritage, and more.

Scientific committee

    • Associate Professor Danilo Bersani, University of Parma, Italy
    • Professor Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Sorbonne Université, France
    • Professor Peter Vandenabeele, University of Ghent, Belgium
    • Professor Antonio Candeias, University of Evora, Portugal
    • Associate Professor Hartmut Kutzke, University of Oslo, Norway
    • Espen Uleberg, University of Oslo, Norway
    • Textile conservator Hana Lukesova, University of Bergen, Norway
    • Associate Professor Sony George, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
    • Professor Łukasz Bratasz, Polish Academy of Science, Poland 
    • Professor Tine Frøysaker, University of Oslo, Norway

    Organizing committee

    Previous InART conferences

    About the Museum of Cultural History

    The Museum of Cultural History's extensive expertise in cultural history makes us the leading research museum in Norway. We also have Norway's largest archaeological and ethnographic collections – from the Stone Age, the Viking Age, the Middle Ages and up to recent times. We provide innovative research of high quality and is conducted in close interaction with the dissemination and conservation of culture and cultural heritage.

    The museum is part of the University of Oslo, and has two museum buildings – the Historical Museum in central Oslo and the new Museum of the Viking Age, which opens in 2026 in the beautiful area of Bygdøy, just outside of Oslo city centre.

    The Historical museum building.
    The Historical Museum, which is organized under The Museum of Cultural History in Oslo. Photo: Jarli&Jordan/UiO.