Symposium: Bug or Feature? 4.0

New technologies offer new approaches to research. However, the broad variety of different tools also brings the difficulty of choosing the right one for your research. At this symposium we will discuss issues related to new technologies – their profits and pitfalls.

Image may contain: Font, Technology, Electric blue, Electronic device, Display device.

While new technologies offer new approaches to research, the limits of each technology can also stop research in its track, particularly when the wrong tool was chosen. With the broad variety of different tools designed for research out there, however, it is often difficult to choose the right tool for the kind of research one wants to conduct, not to mention issues of data reusability, sustainability and other FAIR principles.

At the annual "Bug or Feature?", these are precisely the issues we aim to discuss. We encourage people to bring their own problems, unfinished projects, software frustrations and ideas for future projects to the table, creating a network to support the individual scholar in making good (software and data modelling) choices.


The symposium is free of charge. Please remember to register for the event.


8th November

We are introducing a new format to "Bug or Feature? 4.0". On day 1, a group of predetermined guest speakers will present their projects. Each of them will submit a 2-3 page essay, which will be distributed to the other participants in advance of the symposium.

All participants are asked to read these essays, where the guest speakers will present their current project, the digital tool(s) used and an issue they have encountered when using the tool. In a 20-minute presentation at the symposium, the guest speakers will have the opportunity to expand on their essay. This will be followed by an open discussion of experiences and potential solutions with the other participants.

9th November

The programme today will follow a more traditional format with presentations no longer than 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for discussion following each presentation.

We welcome contributions by scholars from all fields at all stages of their careers, who are working on projects considered within the domain of Digital Humanities. We are inviting abstracts to Please note that the abstracts can be no longer than 250 words and needs to be submitted at the latest by 30th September 2023.

Day 2 will also feature our traditional “rant slam”, where every participant is invited to vent about a specific problem they have encountered recently in a non-insulting, non-personal way.

List of guest speakers

More about "Bug or Feature? 4.0"


Do you have a question regarding the symposium? Please contact us at

Published Sep. 14, 2023 11:31 AM - Last modified Sep. 19, 2023 9:57 PM