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Collegium Medievale: The association of researchers in medieval studies

Collegium Medievale: Association for medieval researchers is an interdisciplinary association of researchers and professionals conducting research related to all aspects of the Middle Ages.

Illustration of an animal.

The association aims to promote research on the medieval period. The association will contribute to scientific discourse and collaboration across disciplines among scholars by arranging academic and social events and activities.

The association is affiliated with the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo, but we also accept members from other Norwegian or foreign research environments.


The association publishes the annual journal "Collegium Medievale".

Furthermore, the association also organizes lectures, seminars, and excursions with a focus on the Middle Ages both in Norway and throughout the world. 


  • Researchers and professionals engaged in research on the Middle Ages are invited to apply for membership in the association.
  • Members will receive the journal Collegium Medievale free of charge.
  • The annual membership fee is NOK 400. Family membership costs NOK 600 and also includes the journal.
  • Further information may be requested from the members of the association’s board.

Apply for membership

The Board of Collegium Medievale

The Collegium Medievale Association’s postal address:

Collegium Medievale
Museum of Cultural History
University of Oslo
Postbox 6762 St. Olavs plass
0130 OSLO

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Published Aug. 12, 2021 8:19 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2023 9:22 AM