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The Museum of Cultural History must understand

The Museum of Cultural History will develop outstanding research environments

Independent research must be strong, where quality at a high international level forms the framework for expectations. The museum will develop outstanding research environments based on clear research leadership and institution-building ambitions.
The museum will also prioritise programme-oriented research and knowledge development by preparing its own academic programmes.

The museum's research and recruitment resources will be used strategically to realise the programme initiatives and to achieve the goals for outstanding research at a high international level.

The new Viking Age Museum at Bygdøy will be developed into a world-leading research and dissemination environment within Viking Age. The initiative must have clear innovative and interdisciplinary ambitions.

The Museum of Cultural History will further develop interdisciplinary collaboration

The Museum of Cultural History manages one of the country's most important scientific collections. The collections are not only important scientific source material, but also important cultural heritage. The museum will prioritise a broad-based research cooperation on cultural heritage that will strengthen the University of Oslo's position as a steward and disseminator in this field.

The museum will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and involve relevant partners at the University of Oslo, other institutions in Norway and in other countries. During this period, the museum will especially strengthen European cooperation.

The Museum of Cultural History will have an outward-looking, relationship-building research profile

The University of Oslo has for a number of years excelled in various competition arenas. The Museum of Cultural History has developed with the same role models and ambitions. In order to be further developed as a research institution, the museum will increasingly supplement competition with collaboration.

The museum will also seek new relationships with communities of experts outside the university and university college sector, where joint project development will be a priority tool. Sharing knowledge and experience with public administration in the regions will also be a priority task.

The Museum of Cultural History will be involved in shaping tomorrow's knowledge policy and research landscape.

The Museum of Cultural History will intensify its efforts related to research ethics and research integrity

We live in a time where the autonomy of research is being challenged. For the Museum of Cultural History, it will be of crucial importance that we are able to preserve the integrity of the knowledge and the museum. Here lies the museum's credibility and capital. As a result, the Museum of Cultural History will strengthen awareness of research ethics issues and norms within all areas of activity.

The cultural heritage must be an open and general source of knowledge. As a steward of national and global cultural heritage and through our adherence to international organisations and conventions, the museum has committed itself to the work against cultural heritage crime.

The museum will further develop a sustainable and knowledge-based cultural heritage management. As part of this work, the museum will share research results and seek publication with open access.

As an open and outward-looking research institution, the museum will invite people to the production of knowledge. Collaboration outside academia can be of great importance for research, dissemination and collection development. A community involving research profile requires a heightened awareness of the prerequisites for such collaborations.

Published May 28, 2022 4:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 15, 2023 10:39 AM