Nettsider med emneord «economy of salvation»

Publisert 26. aug. 2015 16:39

The Exhibition that is part of the project's public outreach - Trust and Distrust - will be hosted by Museum of Cultural Museum in Oslo. The opening of the Exhibition is scheduled to spring 2017.

Project leader: Peter Bjerregaard Designer: Eilie Lindøe

Publisert 9. juni 2015 00:48

Olav Tveito kommer med en artikkel om 'Mynter i messen. Kirkefunnene som kilde til offerpraksis i middelalder og etter-reformatorisk tid' i Historisk Tidsskrift 3/2015.

Artikkelen drøfter kirkelig offerpraksis i norsk og skandinavisk kontekst, fra kristningstiden til etter-reformatorisk tid. Kirkefunnene, myntfunn under kirker, danner utgangspunkt for analysen, kombinert med skriftlig materiale. 

Image may contain: Currency, Money, Text, History, Coin.
Publisert 4. feb. 2015 09:55

A forthcoming volume is bringing together essays from experts in a variety of disciplines, this collection explores two of the most important facets of life within the medieval Europe: money and the church. By focusing on the interactions between these subjects, the volume addresses four key themes.

Editors: G.E.M. Gasper and S.H. Gullbekk

Image may contain: Text, Font.
Publisert 19. nov. 2014 20:21

I 1992 disputerte Henrik Klackenberg på avhandlingen Moneta Nostra. Monetariseringen i medeltidens Sverige ved Lunds Universitet. Den har siden dannet utgangspunkt for en rekke diskusjoner om monetarisering og skapt betydelig interesse for myntfunn i kirker, og inspirert flere av oss til nye tanker og metoder i arbeidet med dette materialet.

Publisert 25. aug. 2015 17:59

Jens Christian Moesgaard foreleser over myntfunnene og geofysiske undersøkelser av ødekirkeplassene Ulv og Uldrup på Jylland. Forelesningen finner sted i kirkehuset i Hundslund torsdag den 3. september kl. 14.30-16.30.


Publisert 9. juli 2015 10:49

Giles was invited to present a paper in Honour of Richard Britnell and John Munro at this summer's Leeds Medieval Congress 7 July, and he presented on ‘Money and Church Reform: Metaphors of Salvation’

Image may contain: Ruins, Fortification, Highland, Archaeological site, Historic site.
Publisert 11. apr. 2015 23:34

Alf Tore publiserte en stor innsiktartikkel i Bergens Tidende påskeaften der han redegjør for Olav Haraldssons (Olav den Hellige) hjemkomst til Norge og øya Selja i 1015. Med seg hadde han fire engelske biskoper og der begynte kristningsarbeid.

Image may contain: Text, Violet, Purple, Font, Product.
Publisert 20. jan. 2015 08:32

Nytt nummer av International Numismatic e-Newsletter omtaler den nye serien hos Ashgate Publishing: 'Religion and Money in the Middle Ages' og den kommende utgivelsen 'Money and the Church in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200: Practice, Morality and Thought'.


Publisert 9. juni 2015 00:42

The last seminar in strand I: Coin finds in Churches: a survey of the Central European finds by Benedikt Zäch; Purgatorium and money by Helen Foxhall-Forbes; Money in monastic writings by Giles Gasper; Archaeology meets salvation by Svein H Gullbekk and an etnographical movie from offerings in a Tonganesian church by Arne Perminow.

Image may contain: White, Text, Font, Logo, Line.
Publisert 13. sep. 2015 12:46

At the upcoming International Numismatic Congress in Taormina, Sicily 21-25 September there are several lectures that are offsprings of the Religion and Money-project outside the Round-table session 'Divina Moneta: Coin Finds in Religious Contexts': 

Publisert 21. des. 2014 11:31

Marie Amundsen is our new project assistant. She will work one day a week for the project in 2015. Her main responsibilities will be coordinator for workshops and meetings, co-editor for the blog, and a general research assistant involved with a range of different tasks.

Image may contain: Poster, Architecture.
Publisert 11. apr. 2015 23:20

Steinar presented the project with a poster at The 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference – Siena 2015: “KEEP THE REVOLUTION GOING”.

The poster emphasized the mapping of finds in churches and the use of GIS-technology.

Image may contain: Holy places, Architecture, Dome, Arch.
Publisert 5. apr. 2016 22:18

In the Christian traditions Religious practice and the use of money can be traced back to the first century when the first generations of Christians made pecuniary offerings at the grave of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and in the catacombs in Rome.

Seminar: Professorboligen, UiO, 7 April 13:15-15:00


Image may contain: Home, Property, House, Estate, Building.
Publisert 22. mai 2015 15:49

Confirmed speakers for the fourth open seminar in the series 'Religion and Money: Economy of Salvation in the Middle Ages', 3rd of June 2015.

Image may contain: Statue.
Publisert 23. jan. 2015 19:34

I Sverige finns sedan länge en stor upparbetad kunskapsbank kring kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader i allmänhet och kyrkor i synnerhet. Några viktiga projekt som drivits över många år genom svenska Riksantikvarieämbetets försorg är Sveriges Kyrkor – konsthistoriskt inventarium och Sockenkyrkorna – Kulturarv och bebyggelsehistoria, båda med ett stort antal publikationer som resultat. Här diskuteras kyrkobyggnader, inventarier, lokala förhållanden, allmän byggnadshistoria mm, informationsrikt och kunnigt.

Image may contain: Text, Rock, Illustration, Font.
Publisert 20. feb. 2015 22:33

This project aimed to complement and improving the documentation of the medieval church ruins on St. Olofsholm, Hellvi parish, Gotland, by adding a third dimension. The ruins of two churches were excavated and documented during 2013 and 2014, but the documentation was conducted from a 2D perspective. Using Image-Based Modelling techniques, based on a series of some 800 pictures taken after the excavation, it was possible to generate a model of the site and document it in 3D. 

Publisert 24. sep. 2014 18:53

Anselm of Canterbury is a central figure in the way in which western, Latin, Christianity configured the fundamental relationship between God and humanity, what we might term the economy of salvation, in the High Middle Ages, from about 1070 to about 1330. A Benedictine monk, Anselm was born in the Alpine town of Aosta, in 1033, and moved through France during his late teenage years, arriving at the monastery of Bec in Normandy in about 1059. 

Dr. G.E.M. Gasper discuss how Archbishop Anselm thought about economy of Salvation.

Publisert 9. apr. 2015 21:58

Bloggside har passert 1000 unike besøkende i løpet av påskehøytiden. Målingene begynte i september forrige år. November var den travleste måneden så langt. Uansett, det er vel betydelig flere enn det som vanligvis leser våre skriverier i tradisjonelle numismatiske, arkeologiske og historiske kanaler.

Vel blåst!


Publisert 5. juni 2016 22:44

A round table discussion relating to the 1979 Sverre Fehn medieval exhibition in Museum of Cultural History, Oslo University. The participants all have first hand experience from working with this exhibition in the late 1970s. Time and place: Jun 13, 2016 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM,  Museum of Cultural History, Fredriksgate 2

Image may contain: Text, Book, Publication, Font.
Publisert 10. des. 2014 08:59

Litteraturen om arkeologiske funn innenfor kirkerommet i middelalderkirker er omfattende dersom en tar med både materialoversikter, spesialavhandlinger, arkeologiske rapporter og punktstudier fra enkeltkirker. Myntfunn opptrer så å si alltid i kirkearkeologiske kontekster. Spesialstudier som drøfter myntfunn fra kirker som fenomen er betydelig færre. Denne bibliografiske oversikten er laget med det formål å skape et forskningshistorisk utgangspunkt for videre studier innenfor emnet.

Image may contain: Face, Eyebrow, Head, Forehead, Cheek.
Publisert 23. juni 2015 17:43

Svenska kyrkan har tagit fram ett tekniskt beskrivningslexikon över kyrkliga föremål. Lexikonets användningsområde är bland annat som hjälpmedel vid inventerings- och dokumentationsarbete i kyrkor. Innehållet baseras på Riksantikvarieämbetets gamla föremålsindexering och omfattar samtliga begrepp från deras databaser, men även ytterligare begrepp.

Publisert 18. sep. 2014 08:28

This year’s EAA attracted 3000 members from all over Europe to gather in Istanbul from 10-13 September (last year EAA was organized in Oslo).

Image may contain: Reflection, Waterway, Town, Natural landscape, Water castle.
Publisert 3. sep. 2015 23:10

Anna Ölund, arkeolog vid Upplandsmuseet, talar över ämnet: Under kyrkgolven- vad finns där? onsdag 23 september kl. 18.15 i Upplandsmuseets hörsal. 80:e seminarium Early North European Seminar

Publisert 18. sep. 2014 11:26

Economy of Salvation at next years Battle Conference

Dr. Giles Gasper is invited to deliver a lecture at The Battle Conference, Cambridge University 17-21 July 2015. The title of his paper is ‘Economy Distorted, Economy Restored: Creation, Economy and Salvation in Anglo-Norman Monastic Writing.’